Carpentry is one of our major in our course but this major was not that hard i mean it wasn't that tiring because we don't do anything that concerns in our major, in fact we done a lot of computation on how to get a sack of cement, kilos of bars and thoer terminology in carpentry. but we done a hollow blocks making on our final exam and that was fun because we experience on how to make a hollow blocks in our own. I've listed here the procedure on how to make a hollow blocks.. hope you can try this at home..
- Step 1
Inflate a beach ball and use a felt pen to draw a circle around the top, with the air valve in the center. This will be the opening of your concrete block.
- Step 2
Apply water-based concrete-releasing agents to the entire surface of the ball.
- Step 3
Wrap strips of hardware cloth around the surface of the ball, leaving the area inside the drawn circle clear. Be sure the strips remain as evenly spaced as possible: Multiple layers on top of one another will create an uneven surface, which makes it trickier to get the concrete sphere right.
- Step 4
Place a layer of wet concrete around the surface of the ball. The layer should be a uniform 1/2 inch thick around the entire surface. The area inside the drawn circle should be kept completely free of concrete mix.
- Step 5
Allow the concrete to harden for at least 24 hours.
- Step 6
Deflate the ball and carefully remove it from the concrete.
- Step 7
Add additional layers of concrete over the first until the block is of the desired thickness. You may wish to do this in stages, adding a little concrete at a time instead of placing it all on at once.
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