Monday, July 12, 2010

graphic arts and science


Is to the art of printmaking and drawing. In contemporary usage it refers to the applied trade-skills of a pressman, pre-press technician, or typesetter. The term can include the trades of lithography, serigraphy and bindery, among others. Graphic arts as a trade can be traced back to the first instances of the stamped image or word. graphic art is the production of a design on a medium like Rubber, Plexiglas, or other materials in order to transfer the images and/or make an impression/print to the materials of choice such as paper, cloth, wood, metals, and plastics etc. More recently graphic art refers to the generation of two-dimensional, computer-generated images. These images most often contain text along with other drawings. Graphic art is most often used in marketing.


What you'll need

  • Embroidery hoop -Use one that is the right size for your design. They can be found at craft stores.

  • Gauzy curtain -Use a transparent curtain or a swatch of sheer fabric. Use one that has small holes for the best results.

  • Screen printing ink or black fabric paint -Both of these can be found at a craft store.

  • Blank paper and watercolor paints

  • A small sponge brush

  • T-shirt

  • Watercolor paint and paintbrush


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