step 1ComponentsYou need the following components 1- LM 386 semiconductor (IC) 2- 100 micro Farad capacitor 3- 220 micro Farad capacitor 4- 10 ohm resistor 5- 5 kilo ohm variable resistor 6- 100 ohm variable resistor 7- 0.01 capacitor 8- 0.047 capacitor 9- Wires 10- 9V Battery clip 11- 9V Battery 12- 3.5mm stereo jack male 13- 3.5mm stereo jack female 14- Project board (…

step 2Circuit DiagramThe circuit which we are going to make is. Thanks to cld000 for schematic drawing.
step 3Placing the IC1- Place the LM 386 in the project board as show in the image. 2-If you pick the IC in front of you (so you can read what is written on it) then the lower left pin is 1 and the pin number increase anticlockwise.Take a wire and join the 3rd pin to 4th pin(GND pin).
step 4. CapacitorJoin the one pin of 0.01 capacitor with the 2nd pin of IC. The other pin of the capacitor should be joined with the INPUT.
step 5GAIN Controller4-Now join the 1st pin of IC with the A pin of the 5 k ohm variable resistor. Join th A pin of this variable resistor with the C pin.Lastly join the 8th pin of IC with the B of this variable resistor.This becomes the GAIN.
step 6100 micro Farad Capacitor5-Join the +ve side of the 100 micro Farad capacitor with 6th pin of the IC.The -ve of this capacitor should be joined with GND pin (4th pin of IC).
step 710 ohm resistor & 0.047 capacitor6-Join the 5th pin of IC with one side of 10 ohm resistor, the other side of the resistor should be joined with the one pin of 0.047 capacitor. The second pin of the capacitor should be joined with the GND pin (4th pin of IC).
step 8Volume Controller7-Now again join the 5th pin of the IC with the +ve side of 220 micro farad, the -ve side of the pin should be attached with the A of the 100 ohm variable resistor.The B pin of the variable resistor should be connected to the GND pin (4th pin of IC).This becomes the Volume controller.
step 9Input and Output8-Join the +ve pin of the 3.5mm stereo jack female with the C of the 100 ohm variable resistor.And the GND of the female jack should be attached with the GND of the IC (4th pin of IC). 9-Join the +ve of the 3.5 mm stereo jack male with the other side of the 0.01 capacitor and join the GND of the male jack with the GND of the IC.
step 10Testing10- Last but not the least join the +Ve of 9V battery with the 6th pin of IC and -Ve of the battery with the 4th pin of IC. Congratulation !!! you have made your own simple audio amplifier. Now the time to check it out.Join the male jack with your mp3 player or musical instrument and female with the speakers.Now adjust the Volume and Gain to get the best and loudest…
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